Awesome Features

Lines of code alone will surely have a hard time arousing any children at such a young age, this is the reason why IMAGI’s programming experience will be aided by a simple graphical user interface which will allow the programmer to interact with different characters and scenes, and create simple storylines by writing code.

  • Text Editor

    A simple and colorful text editor with higlighting integrated that makes it easier to follow your code

  • Multiple Characters

    Characters include a Lion, a Dog and a Fish to make storytelling more interesting and fun.

  • Multiple Scenes

    Create stories each time in a different setting with different scenes to choose from.

  • Live Console

    You want to see how your story is going? Press play at any moment to run your code and watch it in the live console.

iPhone mockup
  • Child Friendly Syntax

    Coding with IMAGI requires no previous programming knowledge as it was designed with a very simple syntax.

  • Variables Declaration Support

    Simple variables are supported, including Number (Integers) and Word (Strings).

  • 7 Awesome Animations

    Create a mix of our 7 animations and make your characters interact as if it were a movie!

  • Scene Editor

    The scene editor allows you to easily modify your scene, by adding new characters and changing your background to the desired setting.

How it Works

After experiencing IMAGI, kids will be able to understand the basics of programming, learn to have fun with it and be prepared to move to a more standard programming language like python or java in the future. Watch the video below, and experience IMAGI's World!

IMAGI Screenshots

In the images below you can observe how imagi integrates the Text Editor, Scene Editor and Live Console on one simple and colorful GUI.

Download IMAGI

The IMAGI Dev Team provides all the code needed to run IMAGI on any OS, however, installation of all the dependencies (python, pyqt.. etc) have to be done manually and an IDE is needed to run the program. All the dependencies needed are mentioned in the Reference Manual. Download links for the Project Proposal, Github repository, Reference Manual and Final Report are provided below.